The Best of Both Worlds
Switch seamlessly between wood and oil for your heat. With the CC500, you are able to heat with wood when you want or automatically switch over to oil when you are out of town or don’t want to stoke the fire.
Add Wood Heat To Your Existing System
If you are simply looking to add wood as an option to heat your home, we have you covered with our wood burning only units. Choose between our Dutch Oven series, the DO110 & DO180, for our wood boilers or our WK400 for a wood furnace option.
High Efficiency Boiler and Electric Boiler
Our highly efficient OB1000 oil boiler is a great option when you need to upgrade your main boiler or are looking to add oil to your home. If you are looking for an electric hot water heater, check out our Aquastar Electric Hot Water Boiler. This is a great addition to your existing Benjamin Heating boilers.